City: Cologne, Germany
Venue: Sporthalle
Date: May 6, 1982

Flash (tape), The Hero, Tie Your Mother Down, Action This Day, Play The Game, Staying Power, Somebody To Love, Love Of My Life, Save Me, Get Down Make Love, guitar solo, Under Pressure, Fat Bottomed Girls, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Mustapha (intro), Bohemian Rhapsody, Now I'm Here, Dragon Attack, Now I'm Here (reprise), Another One Bites The Dust, We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, God Save The Queen

Freddie messes up some words in the first verse of The Hero and mumbles his way through them. But it is a small blemish in an otherwise flawless night. The band steamroll through the high-energy set.

After Play The Game, he finally greets the audience (he did a vocal exchange with them after Tie Your Mother Down): "Hello everybody! I forgot to say hello." He laughs to himself and continues, "We feel like a good mood. You're a good crowd tonight. We really feel good, and we're gonna do our best tonight, huh? We're also gonna play a few songs from our new album which is just about out, I guess."

After Under Pressure, Freddie dedicates the next song to David Bowie.

Freddie is in superb voice tonight. In Bohemian Rhapsody, he even hits the high C on "die" during the rock section. Before the song he responds to the audience shouting for Mustapha, but not before he plays a G on the piano to ensure he sings it in tune.

Recording length: 90 minutes (incomplete)
Quality: C+
Source: Audience
Lineage: AUD > Cassette (x) > WAV > FLAC level 8
Track listing:
Flash (tape), The Hero, Tie Your Mother Down, Action This Day, Play The Game, Staying Power, Somebody To Love, Love Of My Life, Save Me, Get Down Make Love, guitar solo [cut], Under Pressure, Fat Bottomed Girls [cut], Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Mustapha (intro), Bohemian Rhapsody, Now I'm Here, Dragon Attack, Now I'm Here (reprise), Another One Bites The Dust [cut], We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, God Save The Queen [cut]

This copy has 30 extra seconds of tape at the beginning of the show compared to previous copies. There are also panning issues (primarily in Love Of My Life and Bohemian Rhapsody) which a previously circulating digital copy attempted to fix, but it just added tape hiss in the affected channel.

Recording length: 72 minutes (incomplete)
Quality: B
Source: Audience
Lineage: AUD > Master Cassette > ? > WAV > FLAC level 8
Track listing:
Flash (tape), The Hero, Tie Your Mother Down, Action This Day, Play The Game, Staying Power, Somebody To Love, Love Of My Life, Save Me, Get Down Make Love [cut], Crazy Little Thing Called Love [cut], Mustapha (intro), Bohemian Rhapsody, Now I'm Here, Dragon Attack, Now I'm Here (reprise), Another One Bites The Dust, We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, God Save The Queen

This is a second audience source in considerably better quality. A few songs are missing after Get Down Make Love cuts out for a tape flip. Unfortunately the taper transferred it too hot (side 2 of the tape is a complete brickwall).

Recording length: 9 minutes (1 DVD, incomplete)
Video quality: B
Source: Audience
Lineage: 8mm silent video > ? > VHS (x) > DVD-R (x)


The 9 minutes of silent cine footage from the European Hot Space tour is actually from four shows - Hanover (two minutes), both nights in Cologne (2 minutes and 1 minute respectively), and Boblingen (4 minutes).

Older copies of the footage were so high generation that they had much saturation and switched back and forth between colour and black and white, but this copy is fully in colour.

The 8mm format was declining in popularity in the 1980s in favour of other formats, but this is likely an 8mm film because most (if not all) other gear available around this time had the ability to record sound.

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