City: | Cologne, Germany |
Venue: | Sporthalle |
Date: | November 26, 1980 |
Recording length: | 88 minutes (2 CD, incomplete) |
Quality: | B |
Source: | Audience |
Lineage: | AUD > ? > CDR (x) |
Track listing: | Jailhouse Rock, We Will Rock You (fast), Let Me Entertain You, Play The Game, Mustapha, Death On Two Legs, Killer Queen, I'm In Love With My Car, Get Down Make Love, Need Your Loving Tonight, audience/band jam, Save Me, Now I'm Here [cut], Dragon Attack, Now I'm Here (reprise), Love Of My Life, Keep Yourself Alive, drum/guitar solos, Battle Theme, Brighton Rock (ending), Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Bohemian Rhapsody, Tie Your Mother Down, Another One Bites The Dust, Sheer Heart Attack [cut] |
Now I'm Here is cut for a tape flip (after which it takes the taper a couple minutes to get the quality back under control), and the tape runs out less than a minute into Sheer Heart Attack. There are all kinds of tiny digital cuts throughout, likely due to a poor CD burn once upon a time. |