City: Toronto, ON, Canada
Venue: Exhibition Stadium
Date: August 30, 1980

Jailhouse Rock, We Will Rock You (fast), Let Me Entertain You, Play The Game, Mustapha, Death On Two Legs, Killer Queen, I'm In Love With My Car, Get Down Make Love, You're My Best Friend, Save Me, Now I'm Here, Dragon Attack, Now I'm Here (reprise), Fat Bottomed Girls, Love Of My Life, Keep Yourself Alive, drum/guitar solos, Brighton Rock (reprise), Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Bohemian Rhapsody, Tie Your Mother Down, Another One Bites The Dust, Sheer Heart Attack, We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, God Save The Queen


This was Queen's only show at Toronto's old stadium, colloquially nicknamed "The mistake by the lake", largely because there was very little parking close by. It was torn down in 1999 (ironically to become a parking lot), only to have another stadium built on the same location a few years later, opening in 2007.

The audience is a very enthusiastic one, and before Mustapha, Freddie has a few words for them. "I must tell you, we don't normally do open air shows, but I think if it keeps up like this, we might do a few more." The band put in a fantastic performance tonight, feeding off the energy of the audience throughout.

The band nail Dragon Attack tonight, with Freddie delivering it with the ferocity of the studio version, but not without a couple slight hesitations to ensure he remembers the lyrics. The guitar break would be extended on the next leg of the tour.

Before Love Of My Life, Brian opens up a bit: "I must say, this is unusual really, but looking at you out there is the most amazing sight I've ever seen, I tell you. You look great. As the audience erupts, he adds, "It's totally true!" He continues, "I know we've got a lot old friends here from the Maple Leaf Gardens. Is that right?" After another roaring approval, he says, almost to himself, "This is working out alright." It sure was.

Here are reviews of the show from the next day's Toronto Sun (unfortunately the poor microfiche scan makes it a difficult read) and Globe And Mail (1, 2).

Now that Another One Bites The Dust has been in the charts for a week and is a huge hit, the song has made its way into the encore, where it would remain through 1982.

The middle four sets of pics were taken by Gord Plumridge, Tracy Runas, Pete Dove, and Paul Whiteside respectively.

Recording length: 85 minutes (2 CD, incomplete)
Quality: B-
Source: Audience
Lineage: AUD > Master Cassette > 2nd Gen Cassette > ? > WAV > CDR (1)
Track listing:
Jailhouse Rock, We Will Rock You (fast), Let Me Entertain You, Play The Game, Mustapha, Death On Two Legs, Killer Queen, I'm In Love With My Car, Get Down Make Love, You're My Best Friend, Save Me, Now I'm Here [cut], Dragon Attack, Now I'm Here (reprise), Fat Bottomed Girls, Love Of My Life, Keep Yourself Alive, drum/guitar solos, Brighton Rock (reprise), Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Bohemian Rhapsody, Tie Your Mother Down

This recording has an almost ear-piercingly high level of treble.

Now I'm Here is cut for a tape flip.

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