City: | Montreal, QC, Canada |
Venue: | Montreal Forum |
Date: | December 1, 1978 |
Recording length: | 118 minutes (2 CD, complete) |
Quality: | A |
Source: | Audience |
Lineage: | AUD > ? > CDR (x) |
Track listing: | We Will Rock You (fast), Let Me Entertain You, Somebody To Love, If You Can't Beat Them, Death On Two Legs, Killer Queen, Bicycle Race, I'm In Love With My Car, Get Down Make Love, You're My Best Friend, Now I'm Here, Spread Your Wings, Dreamer's Ball, Love Of My Life, '39, It's Late, Brighton Rock, Fat Bottomed Girls, Keep Yourself Alive, Bohemian Rhapsody, Tie Your Mother Down, Sheer Heart Attack, We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, God Save The Queen |
This sounds maybe 1% better than the Continental Records version, and it plays at the correct speed. Although it's an unconfirmed gen, it must be very close to the master. |
Recording length: | 119 minutes (2 CD, complete) |
Quality: | A |
Source: | Audience |
Lineage: | "Best Of Montreal" (Wardour) silvers |
Track listing: | We Will Rock You (fast), Let Me Entertain You, Somebody To Love, If You Can't Beat Them, Death On Two Legs, Killer Queen, Bicycle Race, I'm In Love With My Car, Get Down Make Love, You're My Best Friend, Now I'm Here, Spread Your Wings, Dreamer's Ball, Love Of My Life, '39, It's Late, Brighton Rock, Fat Bottomed Girls, Keep Yourself Alive, Bohemian Rhapsody, Tie Your Mother Down, Sheer Heart Attack, We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions, God Save The Queen |
Wardour likely used the excellent tape listed above. The tape still plays a tad too slow. Here's a link to the always-reliable GS review: |