City: | Frankfurt, Germany |
Venue: | Festhalle |
Date: | May 14, 1977 |
As ticket demand for this show increased, so did the size of the venue required. Early tour itineraries reveal that the show was originally slated to take place at the Rhein Main Halle (3,000 capacity) and then the Jahrhundrethalle (10,000 capacity), before finally settling on the Festhalle (14,000 capacity). A fan recalls the atmosphere just before the band came on: "On the PA, they were playing a compilation of Beatles songs. Every time a new song would come on, the arriving crowd would go nuts with cheers and applause. I can't recall any other concert I've attended where that happened." The second photo set was taken by Klaus Hiltscher (some of which were submitted by Wolfgang Trabitzsch and Janneman). The third set was taken by Peter Staecker. |