City: | San Francisco CA, USA |
Venue: | Winterland Ballroom |
Date: | March 30, 1975 |
Recording length: | 11 minutes (1 CD, incomplete) | |
Quality: | B | |
Source: | Audience | |
Lineage: | AUD > ? > CDR (x) | |
Track listing: | Procession, Now I'm Here, Ogre Battle |
Just three songs from this show exist in nice enough quality. |
Recording length: | 11 minutes (1 CD, incomplete) | |
Quality: | B | |
Source: | Audience | |
Lineage: | AUD > ? > CDR (x) | |
Track listing: | Procession, Now I'm Here, Ogre Battle |
This is a slightly higher generation copy of the San Francisco fragment, but there are a few seconds of extra tape at the beginning and end of the recording. |