Welcome to Queenlive.ca. My goal of launching this website is to offer a comprehensive database of information about Queen concerts in a time machine scrapbook-type manner, catering to the collector and the common fan alike. This project was originally intended to be a book, but a few friends helped me realize that the disadvantage of writing a book is that it cannot be immediately updated with new information, unlike a website. New photos, articles, and such keep popping up to this day.
Much inspiration for this project came from forgotten-yesterdays.com and ledzeppelin-database.com .
Over 80% of the 705 shows performed by Queen from 1970 to 1986 are documented on this website by means of at least one of the following: Pictures, a setlist, a review, a flyer, a poster, an anecdote, a recording, or simply a useful piece of information about it.
All of the pictures seen here are confirmed to be from a specific date (or at least a specific venue, as some pictures are labeled as "Rotterdam 1979" for instance, when Queen played two nights). In each concert listing the pictures generally appear in the order in which the concert unfolded (for example, if there are twenty pictures from a 1977 concert, the first picture won't be of Freddie in his flashy silver suit during the encore). Many thanks to Janneman, Nareg Mikaelian, Fabio Minero, Valery Oganov, Alessio Rizzitelli, and Nino Trovato for consistently ensuring I have all the pictures that could possibly be available to me. Likewise to Mike Tremaglio, for his countless scans of ticket stubs, reviews, and other memorabilia. Also thanks to Andreas Voigts for sharing a plethora of bootleg artwork scans, and not to mention his unparalleled expertise on the history of Queen bootlegs.
Much of the information about Queen's early concerts seen here is the fruits of the labour of Rupert White. His work has almost single-handedly rewritten the history of the first two years of the band. Many of his initial findings were available on his blog, but now you can all give him your thanks by purchasing his book, "Queen In Cornwall." I also recommend Queenconcerts.com, as it has a wealth of concert-related information that I do not cover here.
I'm also happy to say my work has not been confined to this website, as I am credited in numerous publications related to Queen, particularly Queen Live by Queen's archivist Greg Brooks and Georg Purvis' excellent book Queen: Complete Works.
Many thanks to everyone who has encouraged me in some way to create and maintain this website and contribute to my research over the years - particularly Tilomagnet, for his vast knowledge of all things related to preservating the quality of old recordings, and taking the time to explain every little bit of it to me - even if it's for the fourth time - but who's counting?!
Another key note of thanks goes out to Jerome Lelkes, who has spent some big bucks to acquire early tour itineraries, which have provided otherwise inaccessible information about concerts that were rescheduled or cancelled.
The following people (from virtually all corners of the globe) have also contributed in some way, and I thank them all graciously:
Patrice Ackerson, Lourdes Monje Aguirre, Mark Alexander, Mário Almeida, Manuel Angelini, Dejo Anthony, Arc, Chris Ard, Boris Arkhangelsky, Laurel Axam, Bas Asselbergs, Chris Aull, Per Baden, Ernie Baister, Greg Barnes, Jimmy Barnes, Alissa Behn, Jorge di Benedetto, Marcus Bentley, C van Berkel, Nebojsa Bjeletic, Bobby the Cat, Nick Bondarenko, Robert Bortolotti, Luká Bosík, Mark Bowles, Helmut Brasse, Brenski, Wayne Brauer, Ellie Brooke, Greg Brooks, Al Brown, Bill Brown, Ian Stewart Brown, Joyce Brown, Nick Browning, Mariano Bryner, Mark Canham, Erik Cartar, Barbara Cascinari, Kieran Chamberlain, Worth Chollar, Brandon Chrisman, Tom Christie, Simon Christensen, Maxim Chumak, Brian Clemens, Danny Clifford, cmsdrums, Sam Coates, Julien Cohen, Kim Conley Mays, Richard Copper, Ben Corby, Beverly Coughlin, Andy Cox, Alex Crompton, Simon Crook, Dan Cuny, Charlie DeMore, David van Dijk, Deathtoming, Mark Dillon, Dario Di Nardo, djcamper, Victoria Dobbs, Pete Dove, Maxi Dries, Ian Dugini, Ole Dulay, Leeza Duncan, Jon Duxbury, Erica Echenberg, Keith Elliott, Emrabt, Ernst, Sam Fagan, Frank Farago, Richard Farrell, Ed Feeney, Olivier Feltgen, Ferdy, Miles Fernando, Patricia Fitzgerald, Luis Flores, Alex Fontaine, Raf Foubert, Shelly Fowler, John Fransen, Ueli Frey, Juan Gabriel, Anne Creelman Garcia, Lisa Garcia, Luis Garcia, Franck Gavard Perret, Marco Genefaas, Gianluca, Fabio Di Gianni, Ginger, GinjaNinja, Barry Goldstein, Carlos Gomez, Luis M. Gómez, Juan Gonzalez, Joe Goodman, Vernon L. Gowdy III, Maria Grazia, Stephen Greenaway, Rudolf Greeva, Bolle Gregmar, Maxime Guay, Marcos Hairston, Randy Harper, Lorrie Hayden, John Hendricks, James Hicks, Carole Hill, Harry van Hofwegen, Holly2003, Terry Holt, Valčre Hornus, Craig Houston, David Humphreys, Ian Hylan, Yiftach Inbar, Chris Irons, Jens Iwarson, Kamil Izykowski, Peter James, Greg Jewers, Nick Johannes, Scott Johnson, Martin de Jong, Lizette de Jong, Manny Juanilla, Drazen Kalenic, Demitri Kambouris, Kef, Angus Kenny, David King, Gary King, Jeroen Kooistra, Máté Kozma, Franz Kühne, Wolf Kuntze, René Kurpershoek, Irene Kuzemko, Lamberto, Dan Lampinski, Knut Gunnar Larsen, Sami Laurila, Jeffrey Lee, Jean-Pierre Leloir, Helly Lemmy, Ian Loveday, Hank van Luit, Martin Lupton, Andy Maas, Janet Macoska, Brian Maguire, Dave Maguire, Anthony Mallan, Joe Maloney, Russell Mansell, Mauro Mapelli, Marknow, Masahiko, Dave Matkin, Bas Mauriks, Derek McCabe, Nestor Mera, Eric Morel, Gary Merrin, Marc Michollet, Daniel Minero, Bill Minter, Matthew Miquelon, Kevin Miske, Herbye Mitchell, Harry Moriarty, Mike Morris, Gary Moss, Mrducksoup, Luke Mullens, Musicland Munich, Ian Murray, Cameron Myers, Michele de Nadal, Marcos Napier, Mariusz Neugebauer, Ryan Newton, Paul Nicholson, Mick O'Brien, Renzo Archimede Olivieri, R. Olsen, Todd K. Olsen, Ivan Orlov, Greg Osborne, Yannick Ouwehand, Seb Pacreu, Jane Palm-Gold, Ryan Palmer, Giovanni Pantano, George Parker, Gillian Parry, Richard Paul-Jones, Susan Peacock, Leonardo Pelz, Rik Perry, Fiammetta Pezzati, Richard Pilkington, Pittrek, Gordon Plumridge, Simon Possert, Chris Predovic, Dave Pruitt, Kimmo Pulli, John Purlia, Francis Prymerski, Luke Rathnau, Vincent Redman, Michael Regent, Andrew Reid, Phil Reynolds, Annelies van Riet, Matteo Ricci, Michael Richmond, Heidi Rizzi, Adrian Robles, Ivan César Martins Rocha, Rick Rock, Jorgen Runas, Tracy Runas, Olivier Ruth, Ruud, Conor Ryan, Manuel Sánchez, Phil Sanders, Carlo Sansilvestri, Tim de Scally, Steve Schechter, Rob Schoorl, Martin Schu, Mr. Scully, Sebastian, Rod Sein, Daniele Semenzato, Jordan Sheaffer, Stevie Shanks, Christopher Shin, Alejandro Siepe, Steve Catdeli Del Signore, Erwin Sijbrands, Silken, Eddy Smit, Curtis Smith, Malcolm Smith, Richard Smith, Oleg Snisarevski, Jon Somers, Gerard Sparaco, Splicksplack, Stark, Hydeo Tanaka, Thomas Steffan, Kathleen Stoughton-Trahan, Ron Strathdee, Dagmara Szymanska, Claudio Tassone, Gary Taylor, Mitch Taylor, April Teague, Mauro Terenzi, TheJackal, Thetman, Fabio Tosti, Wolfgang Trabitzsch, Thomas Tragfeit, Cam Traviss, Sean Trend, Jeff Turkali, Leonie V, Isaac Valiente, Danilo Varello, Hugo Vázquez, Aaron Velazquez, Luis Vera, Roberto Villani, Rick van der Wal, Janet Webb, Paul Webb, Maik Wienecke, Nick Weir, René Wiersma, Thomas Weis, Shane Wilkes, Wilki, Les Wilson, Christian Wißing, Wolfgang Wisnick, Jon van Woerden, Ken Yamamoto, Haris Yasin, Dennis Yee, and Steve Zukowsky.
Immeasurable gratitude also goes out to John Deacon, Brian May, Freddie Mercury, and Roger Taylor.
If you feel you have anything you'd like to add to this website, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Enjoy your stay!