Queenlive.ca is a comprehensive concert information database of Queen, one of rock's most celebrated, innovative, and influential live bands.
"A concert is not a live rendition of our album. It's a theatrical event!" -- Freddie Mercury
This website does have a few operating costs, so a small donation would be gladly accepted if you feel so inclined.
No profit is made from this website; it is for entertainment only. I claim no ownership over any of the pictures, and have indicated credits wherever possible. If you are a professional photographer and wish for your pictures to be removed - or perhaps even linked to a website where prints can be purchased, or something of the like - please contact me and I'll be happy to oblige.
This site is not affiliated with Queen, its management, or its record label. The resources and documents presented on this site are strictly for information purposes only. This site does not endorse or condone the manufacture, sale, or distribution of unauthorized recordings of concerts. The information on this website is meant only as a guide to fill in the gaps of what is not yet available officially. No portion of this website is in any way intended to discourage visitors from purchasing the officially-released live Queen recordings, which are available at http://www.queenonlinestore.com.
Last updated: December 29, 2024
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since July 4, 2007.