City: Uniondale, NY, USA
Venue: Nassau Coliseum
Date: February 6, 1977


These pictures were colour corrected by Nino Trovato.

There is a pro picture from this show at

After the excitement of last night's performance, the band hold back a bit tonight.

Freddie's mic died on him at some point during this show, and it apparently took him a little while to get back into the swing of things.

A complete audience recording of this show exists, although the taper has been in the shadows since the late 70s. His recording of Thin Lizzy's opening set emerged in early 2010.

Recording length: 16 minutes (1 DVD, incomplete)
Video/Audio quality: A- / C+
Source: Audience
Lineage: 8mm video master > ? > DVD-R (1)

Track listing:
Sweet Lady [cut], Bohemian Rhapsody [cut], Liar [cut]

Considering the age of this 8mm film, the picture quality is excellent (although the sound is very muffled). The filmer is focused on Freddie most of the time, but there are still some amazing bits of footage of Brian and John, especially in Liar - only because Freddie was in the picture with them!

The filmer was caught taping the night before at Madison Square Garden about a half hour into the show, and was forced by one of Queen's bodyguards to turn over the film reels to Freddie Mercury himself (the tape is still in Brian May's collection). Undeterred, he filmed these reels of footage the following night.

Recording length: 4 minutes (incomplete)
Video/Audio quality: A-
Source: Audience
Lineage: Super 8 video master

Track listing:
Tie Your Mother Down [cut], Ogre Battle [cut], White Queen [cut], The Millionaire Waltz [cut], Sweet Lady [cut], Brighton Rock [cut], '39 [cut], You Take My Breath Away [cut], White Man [cut], Big Spender [cut]

Two reels of film exist from a second super 8 source. The first reel has circulated in full, but only 30 seconds the second one (a clip of Big Spender) emerged on YouTube in 2021, erronenously claiming to be from the Madison gig. The first screenshot is from a bit earlier in the show.

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